Fall Clearance Sale September 19-27

Posted: Aug 29 in Latest News by

If you’re in the market for dive equipment, we have some great fall clearance specials:

BCD Blowout:  40% off all in stock clearance BCDs

New ScubaPro Aladin TEC 2 G wrist computers:  List $425; Sale Price:  $275 

Gently used Aladin TEC 2G Wrist Computer (dove twice)$200

Oceanic NEO/CDX Regulator:  List:  $539.95;  Sale Price: $395

Buy any LavaCore Jumpsuit and receive a FREE pair of LavaCore socks and a LavaCore hood (a $53 value)

20% off all Henderson Wetsuits and Accessories

20%-50% off all closeout wetsuits

25% off wheeled diving equipment bags

In stock items only.  Quantities are limited so don’t delay!

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Bull Shoals Houseboat Trip, Oct 10-13

Posted: Aug 29 in Latest News by

While we have filled the houseboat, if we can get  a minimum of 6 more divers we can rent a second boat.  So, if you want to get in some great fall diving, let us know ASAP.  Cost is $275  and includes 3 nights lodging, 2 days of diving, meals, and air fills.

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2015 Travel Schedule is up!

Posted: Aug 29 in Latest News by

Mastering the dive buddy system for diving in Illinois


We have 3 exciting tropical trips currently scheduled for 2015.  In March and April we’ll be diving the Bahamas aboard the popular sailing vessel Juliet, or you can experience some of the world’s best drift diving with us at Scuba Club Cozumel.  In July, we will be returning to Belize aboard the Sun Dancer II.  Check out our travel page for more information about each of these fabulous diving adventures.  Deposits are currently being accepted on all trips.

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August Rescue Diver Class

Posted: Jul 29 in Dive Blog, Latest News by

The best buddy any diver can have is one who not only knows what to do in the event of an emergency, but knows how to prevent most emergencies from occurring in the first place. What kind of buddy is this? A PADI Rescue Diver. The rescue course gives you these skills plus increases your confidence in your own abilities. It enables you to serve as a safety diver for a wide variety of diving activities, including diver training.

This course consists of 2 classroom sessions and and 2 days of open water training. Most people agree that, although this is a challenging course, afterwards you have a great feeling of accomplishment and confidence.  Plus, it’s loads of fun!  Just ask any of our Rescue Divers!

At the completion of this course, you will receive a PADI Rescue Diver Certification Card.  And remember,  the PADI Rescue Certification is only a few steps away from earning your Master Scuba Diver rating.

Cost:  $175 plus student materials
Pre-requisites:  Advanced Open Water diver.  Emergency First Response course or equivalent must be completed before open water training.
Schedule:  Classroom sessions-Aug 11 and 18;  Open Water training- Aug 30 & 31 at the Chillicothe Recreational Area.


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Aug 23 Lake Michigan Wreck Dives

Posted: Jul 29 in Dive Blog, Latest News by

Jamie Kee wants to go wreck diving and has organized a one day Lake Michigan wreck trip for August 23, 2014, at 12:30 p.m. with the “Double Action” dive boat located at the Hammond Indiana marina. Five slots are open first come first serve.  We’re having everyone book their own slot, so if interested, call call 815-267-8400 to make your reservation. Price is $120 for 2 dives. Our choice of wreck.  Once you have reserved your slot, let Jamie know at (309) 229-6121  so car pooling can be arranged.


Newest Dive Boat
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Oceanic June Madness Computer Sale

Posted: Jun 19 in Dive Blog, Latest News by

Save  up to $200 this month with Oceanic’s June Madness Computer Specials! 

Oceanic’s Atom 3.1 Air Integrated Hoseless Computer w/transmitter:  If you think fewer hoses make for better diving, you’ll love the Atom 3.1.  Featuring Oceanic’s exclusive dual algorithm, the Atom 3.1 presents all of your critical dive data including depth, no-deco time remaining, cylinder pressure, air time remaining, and elapsed dive time-all on a clear easy-to read display. And since it functions as an ordinary wrist watch, just wear it regularly and you’ll always be ready to dive! Available in two color schemes. Covered by a limited 2 year warranty.

Retail- $999
June Special:  $799



Oceanic VT- 4.1 Hoseless Air Integrated Wrist Computer w/transmitter

For those divers who want nothing but the best, Oceanic’s VT-4 hoseless air integrated computer incorporates all the functions of the Atom 3.1 and also includes a 3 axis digital compass with full tilt compensation so you can accurately deduce your position at any point in time all on a large, clear, easy to read display.  Covered by a limited 2 year warranty.

Retail:  $1099.95
June Special: $899.95


Oceanic GEO 2.0

For your basic, top of the line dive computer, you can’t go wrong with Oceanic’s GEO 2.0 wrist dive computer.  Featuring Oceanic’s exclusive Dual Algorithm, the GEO 2.0 is nitrox compatible and gives you all the information you need to plan and record your dive without a lot of extra bells and whistle’s you may never use.  A re-designed “Step Back” user interface makes navigation through the various menus and settings a snap.
Comes in two colors, black or white.

Retail:  $399.99
June Special:  $349.95 



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May Inventory Reduction Sale

Posted: May 05 in Latest News by

Out with the old, in with the new!  We need to make room for new inventory.  Savings between 20% to 40% on  selected in stock masks, fins, snorkels, wetsuits, BCD’s and regulators.  Quantities and sizes limited.

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DUI Demo Tour, May 31 and June 1, Pearl Lake, South Beloit, IL

Posted: May 05 in Dive Blog, Latest News by

For 16 years, DUI has traveled around the USA bringing the dry suit diving experience to over 30,000 divers!  Working with its dealers in the area, DUI fills two circus tents with equipment designed and manufactured by DUI, the world’s leader in dry suits. Whether you want to try dry suit diving for the first time, a DUI dry suit in particular, or the best insulation to keep you warm under your drysuit, the DUI DEMOTOUR is the perfect place for you!

Come prepared with your regular dive equipment except for your suit. You’ll be fitted with everything you need to dive dry, warm and comfortable. You don’t need to be dry suit certified, all dives are escorted by a dive leader who will show you the basics on how to use a dry suit. Admission is $20 at the lake (does not include lake entrance fee) or $15 if you pre-register (you can pre-register at Do Dive In). Festivities start at 9:00 am each day. Fee includes lunch and a FREE DUI TEST DIVE TEAM hat (which are very cool by the way!)

duidemodays1              dui
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Welcome Deep Blue Customers and Staff

Posted: Apr 02 in Latest News by

Like many divers in the area,  we were surprised  when Deep Blue Adventure closed their doors in January after nine years in business.  Yes,  we were competitors, but friendly ones and we were sad to see them succumb to what has been a brutal retail economy.  To all of you former Deep Blue customers who are receiving this newsletter for the first time, we say “welcome”  and hope that you will continue your diving adventures with us.

We are also pleased to report that several members of Deep Blue’s instructional staff will be joining forces with us.  Join us in welcoming PADI Instructors Les Fulton & John Nowack (while Steve Bishop wants to take a bit of a break from teaching, we might be able to convince him to teach a side mount course or two); Assistant Instructors  Ed Feldshau & JR Winkler, and Divmasters Matt Blair, Mike Sluga and Lisa Strickland.  Les Fulton is also a factory trained equipment repair technician able to service Sherwood regulators, Interspiro AGA and OTS Guardian  full face masks, & other equipment brands sold by Deep Blue (Zeagle, Genesis, Sherwood, & Cressi Sub).

If you haven’t visited us before, please stop in and say “Hi” and see what we have to offer.  We want to be your new dive store.  Just let us know what we can do to help.

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Have You Liked Us on Facebook?

Posted: Apr 02 in Dive Blog, Latest News by

Be Among the First to Know:  Since we have many new newsletter subscribers, we thought this would be a good time to remind everyone of our Facebook page.   Want to be among the first to learn about the latest in local diving and activities?  How about being the first to find out about new gear or travel opportunities?  The best way is to visit our Facebook page and “Like” us.  We always post new information there first.  “Like” us and our posts will appear automatically in your news feed.  (And, yes, you can “Unlike” us at any time.)


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Specialty of the Month-Drysuit Diver

Posted: Apr 02 in Dive Blog, Latest News by

What:  Drysuit Specialty Class
When:  Classroom:  Sat, Apr 26, 9:30 am; Pool: Sunday, Apr 27, 9:00 am
Open Water Dives:  To Be Scheduled

Wanna stay warm and toasty on a dive? Then dive dry. Yes! Unlike a wetsuit, a dry suit seals you off from the outside water and that keeps you warm! Even in surprisingly cold water.

Dry suits let you dive more challenging dive sites, and extend your dive season. When you have the right cold water diving attire,  you can stand up to the elements and take advantage of the generally better visibility offered by early spring, late fall, or even winter months—especially in our Midwestern lakes and quarries. As a dry suit diver, you’re also equipped to scuba dive some of the world’s incredible dive sites in cooler regions that are best enjoyed in a dry suit even in  warmer months.

The class consists of one classroom session, one pool session and three open water dives.  Tuition is $165 ($100 if taken in conjunction with our Open Water course)  plus student materials, and includes the use of tanks and weights in the pool, and dry suit/undergarment rental for both pool and open water dives.

So extend your dive season and experience the joy of diving dry in one of our PADI Dry Suit classes!

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Spring has Sprung?

Posted: Apr 02 in Latest News by

While we patiently wait for our local lakes to warm up (Haigh Quarry just opened: water temp is a balmy 40 degrees), now is a great time to dust off your dive gear and get it in for servicing so you will be ready to hit the water.  No equipment?  No problem…  Stop by the store and check out our April specials:

  • Buy any ScubaPro Regulator system and receive a FREE regulator bag  (a $45 value)
  • 25% OFF all remaining 2013 BCD models (quantities and sizes limited)
  • Buy any DUI drysuit and receive your Drysuit Specialty class, including student kit and certification fee, for FREE (a $237 value)
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Bonaire, Buddy Dive Resort, June 21-28

Posted: Mar 08 in Dive Blog, Latest News by

We’ve added another summer dive trip! Buddy Dive Resort on the island of Bonaire! Les Fulton, formerly of Deep Blue Adventure, who knows Bonaire probably better than anyone we know, will be leading the trip. Trip deposit is $300.  Known for its clear water, easy diving and diverse fish life, Bonaire offers some of the best shore diving in the world.  Click here for more information.

We have a short time frame to work with here, so if you want to go, don’t delay in signing up!

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Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Jan 02 in Dive Blog, Latest News by

Hard to believe, but 2014 marks the 40th year of Do Dive In, making us one of the oldest dive centers (maybe the oldest, but we need to check on that)  in Illinois.  We’re pretty proud of making it this far, especially in what has been in recent years  a challenging economy and tough retail environment.  The business of diving and dive instruction has changed pretty dramatically over the years we’ve been in business.  But one thing has not changed: our  success is due solely  to the support of all of you, our  loyal customers and friends.  We wouldn’t be here without it.  So, on behalf of  the Do Dive In family, thank you for your business and friendship over these past 40 years. We promise to work hard to earn your continued trust and support for many years to come.

Happy New Year to one and all!  Let’s all resolve to do more diving in 2014.

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Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 24 in Latest News by

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!


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